Renew´N´Able Malawi (Renama) has courted some NGOs to raise awareness on sustainable energy sources to communities. Speaking last week during […]
Renewables the answer to Africa’s energy deficit
With recent reports estimating that six hundred million people are without access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa, significant and sustained […]
EU invests 1.3bn in energy project
IN a bid to encourage more women to invest in renewable energy initiatives in Malawi, the European Union (EU) has […]

Young Professional: Programme Analyst Renewable Energy Lilongwe
Background The UNDP Young Professional Programme (YPP) is designed for highly qualified and motivated young Malawian professionals recently graduated from […]
U.S. Mission in South Africa empowers South African renewable energy champions.
U.S. Mission in South Africa empowers South African renewable energy champions. The U.S. Mission to South Africa has partnered with […]

AECF holds competition to advance renewable energy
"THE Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is holding seminars to discuss its recently launched household solar competition under its Renewable […]
The International Renewable Energy Association biomass webinar
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is holding a webinar entitled “Development of bankable woody biomass projects – What it […]
Ashden International Awards
The Ashden International Awards are open for applications, from organisations who have made progress on one of the following areas: […]

Precarious reality of fuel importation in Malawi
A couple of months ago during the unstable political situation in Mozambique, it was reported that at least three Malawian […]