By Jack Banda-Renewable Energy Officer (NABW)
National Association of Business Women project officers were in Mangochi on 12 March 2020 conducting an awareness training on renewable energy technologies and productive use of renewable electricity. The training targeted 40 youths from 3 entrepreneurial clubs from Mangochi town outskirts under Mangochi district youth office.
With support from Hivos, NABW is implementing a project ‘’ Promoting Inclusive Development through the Provision of Modern, Reliable and Affordable Energy Solutions in Malawi’’ where one of its specific objective is to Promote women and youth participation in energy planning, investments and supply chains.
The training was designed to raise awareness on existing business opportunities that use renewable energy electricity and influence these clubs to diversify to renewable energy enterprises. Mr Steve Chilambula, youth officer representing Mangochi District youth Office said that training came at the right time as many youths who are doing businesses lack knowledge and skills on how to start and manage businesses. He further acknowledged that knowledge in productive use of renewable energy will help this youth’s clubs to embrace renewable energy technologies to run their businesses sustainably while conserving environment.
Participants pose for a group photo after the meeting
Most participants were interested in taking part in the distribution of Pico Solar products through NABW and RECAPO solar systems partnership on commission basis. Tony Boluman, Nzotheka group representative said that they were interested with the arrangement as it gives them an opportunity to engage in renewable energy technologies supply chain while they continue with their usual business.
Essau Hinges, youth officer in an interview was asked on how they will make sure that the message on renewable energy reach the other youth networks in the district and he indicated that as a district they have structures and through the structures they have quarterly meetings where all representative meet. Through the clubs that participated in the training, they will use them to reach the other groups with messages of Green and Inclusive Energy. The training was attended by members from Nzotheka, Chisambanopa and Mthundu youth clubs.
NABW is yet to meet with a women entrepreneurial club in Chitukula, Lilongwe which is involved in Chitetezo mbaula production to equip them with marketing skills and raise awareness on other renewable energy technologies.
NABW is implementing the project in a consortium of five organisations namely Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO), Community Energy Malawi (CEM), Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) and Renew “N” Able Malawi (RENAMA) with support from Hivos.