Nov 2019
TOTAL, ENEA Consulting, SEforALL and Acumen have launched the Energy Access Booster 2020 Call for Projects to support energy access entrepreneurs in Africa and Asia.
ENEA combines economic performance with social engagement in a hybrid model creating new values: advising public and private leaders worldwide about energy transition while doing volunteer work with social entrepreneurs and NGOs. This commitment to energy access is embodied in the “ENEA Access” program that comprises three pillars:
- Volunteering: Pro bono consulting for social entrepreneurs and NGOs selected through calls for projects.
- Development Axis: Specialised services for private companies, national and international public authorities, and funders of energy access across the world.
- Knowledge Sharing: Sharing information through the publication of research articles and feedback reports.
Eligibility Criteria
- The Energy Access Booster 2020 is open to entrepreneurs based in Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia.
- The selection committee will be open to all applications in the scope but will consider all applications from within that geographic scope, but will give preference to entrepreneurs operating outside East Africa, given the high number of East African entrepreneurs selected in Booster 2019.
- The 2020 program targets firms at the development stage focusing on one of the two following circular economy-driven topics:
- Clean cooking
- Small-scale waste-to-energy
- Selected entrepreneurs benefit from some or all of the following support, depending on their needs and the capabilities of each partner:
- A financial contribution of a maximum of $ 50,000 per selected entrepreneur
- A strategic advisory consulting mission
- Operational support
- Publicity for their company
- The selected entrepreneurs will receive support in areas that include identification of relevant and sustainable business models, customer acquisition and retention, pilot project development, production organization, building appropriate distribution models, national or international scale-up, and financing.
- The selection of the successful applicants is scheduled to take place by the end of January 2020, and the support will be provided for up to 14 months following their selection.
How to Apply
Applicants can apply online via given website.
For more information, please visit Energy Access Projects