ESCOM Limited wishes to clarify a misrepresentation of facts in a news story that was carried in The Nation Newspaper of Monday 13th August 2018 under the headline: MCA partially hands over Nkhoma Power Substation.
The article states that the connection of the new power substation to ESCOM´s grid marks the end of power outages commonly called blackouts.
The truth of the matter is that the new substation plus the whole infrastructure that the Millennium Challenge Account Malawi is handing over to ESCOM shall enable the utility company to distribute more and stable power to its customers. It will also enable ESCOM to take on board more Independent Power Suppliers to supplement the current generation capacity.
According to ESCOM´s roadmap initiatives aimed at supplying consistent, reliable and safe power will be reducing the number of hours of power outages. It wishes to recall that since December 19, 2017 the duration was reduced from 18-24 hours to 6 hours a day on average. It aims at completely ending them by the year 2021.
Get more information in the article on the photo.