Community Energy Malawi is a registered NGO with a mission to help Malawian Communities generate sustainable energy solutions to meet their energy needs.
With support from UNDP, CEM will be implementing an 80 KW Solar PV Mini Grid Project in Sitolo Village Mchinji targeting 100 households. As per Environmental Management Act, we are supposed to come up with Environmental and Social Management Plan (EMP) for the Mini grid.
CEM is, therefore, looking for a consultant or team of consultants to develop an EMP in accordance with the ToRs as provided for by the Department of Environmental Affairs.
The ToRs are available on request from sitolominigrid@communityenergymw.org.
Those interested are requested to submit their applications detailing their suitability for the task and evidence of similar engagements together with a proposed budget to the address below before Friday 16th February 2018.
The Project Manager Sitolo Solar Mini Grid Project
Community Energy Malawi
Private Bag B408
Or can be hand delivered to the
Community Energy Malawi Offices,
Plot No.14/34, Area 14 Lilongwe