Agricultural Extension Development Coordinator (AEDC) for Masaula Extension Planning Area (EPA) Cain Sankhulani has called on communities in Chingale, Zomba to protect natural resources, saying the situation in the area is worrisome. Sankhulani said this last Saturday, during a nutrition and environmental awareness open day which took place at Chikungwa Primary School in the district.
He said a lot of trees have been cut down carelessly in catchment areas, which is affecting agricultural activities in the area.
“This is why we are training farmers on linkages between nutrition and natural resources.
We want to intensify the activities to communities to bring back our natural forests and also have healthy families that can contribute fully to the development of this area.” said Sankhulani.
Daniel Nkunga, Director of voluntary aid environmental partnership, a non-governmental organisation working with communities in environmental management said his organisation is making strides in assisting communities in conserving forests.
“We are facing many challenges, but we will keep on sensitising communities on the importance of taking care of the environment.” said Nkunga.