The Coalition for Action is launching a new series of webinars focusing on highly topical renewable energy trends in order to share IRENA and Coalition of Action members’ perspectives and analysis. The first webinar in this series will focus on the increasing competitiveness of renewable power generation.
Since 2012, IRENA has intensified its efforts to gather precise, reliable and up-to-date information and data on the rapidly improving cost-competitiveness of renewable energy sources and technologies. At the heart of this campaign is the IRENA Renewable Costing Alliance. Launched in 2014, the Costing Alliance encourages project developers or others to share, confidentially, their real-world renewable project data to support higher-quality analysis, evidence-based decision making and the successful deployment of renewable energy technologies.
The Costing Alliance has successfully developed a world-class database of more than 15 000 utility-scale renewable power generation projects. But much work remains to be done, as the coverage of the database by technology and country is not even.
The proposed webinar will:
(i) provide an overview of the IRENA Costing Alliance, including its goals and objectives, and
(ii) encourage national, regional and international renewable energy associations to educate their individual company members on the Alliance. The associations will also be encouraged to work directly with IRENA to help grow Costing Alliance membership.
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