Renew’N’Able Malawi (RENAMA) in an efforts to step up awareness on green and inclusive energy trained 58 Energy Advocates in the Three regions of Malawi in 2017. The trainings were conducted under the project, “Driving Top of the Mind Awareness on Green and Inclusive Energy (GIE) in Partnership with Hivos”.
The GIE activists were trained to carry more awareness and advocates in green and inclusive energy in their respective communities in an effort to reduce energy poverty Malawi is experiencing.
Malawi is among the countries facing catches on the use of green and clean energy due to lack of effective advocacy which can influence change in policy design and implementation.
Against that background that has a lot of adverse on the livelihood of many Malawians, GOPA through Sylvester Chabuka jnr (GIE Advocate), conducted a half day GIE advocacy orientation to impart clean and green energy knowledge to their staff.
RENAMA advocacy officer Kenneth Mtago commended the initiative done by GIE advocate Chabuka arguing it will help to increase advocates power in resolving “energy poverty” Malawi is facing.
“Energy poverty in Malawi has affected all levels of economy where 30% of household income is spend on energy. I should say energy poverty is a crisis in Malawi, and its high time where youths, women are prepared with knowledge and skills on how they can influence community’s to embrace renewable energy technologies to reverse challenges we are encountering as a nation,” said Mtago said.
Madalitso Mandala who was one of the 15 people participants to the orientation, hopes to share the knowledge with communities in their target area through her interaction with people in their catchment area.
“This orientation has been an eye opener to me on how we can accommodate the use of clean and green energy in our communities we live, and I hope to help in advocacy on the use of these friendly energy forms to our environment,” said Mandala.
Commenting on what Mandala said was Sylvester Chabuka, who says it is GOPA interest to work in partnership with like-minded organisations to advance the work of GIE. I am grateful indeed for what RENAM is doing to support us to utilise the knowledge you imparted to us last year. “Let promise GIE team through you, that the knowledge that has been gained here we will take it into practice. We love to have a two day training, to cover the areas that are remaining for us to conduct evidence based energy advocacy,” Chabuka narrated.
The orientation equipped the staff members of the two organisations on understanding energy poverty, and its impacts on education, health, economy, environment, and human dignity. Furthermore, participants were also informed some community solutions to reduce the impact of energy poverty in their communities. “Let me say that GIE through RENAM is geared to support you with technical knowledge and once you are ready organising yourself for the 2 days training, be assured that I will come and train you. My only advice to you is, make sure you utilise the knowledge for the change we are looking forward for sustainable energy for all by 2030.
The orientation was organized by GOPA and conducted by RENAMA through Advocacy officer on the 30th April, 2018 at Gospel Outreach Pentecostal Assembly Office in Chirimba, Blantyre.