Almost 85 per cent of the population in Malawi depends on biomass source of energy, only 10 per cent has access to the national grid power system covered by Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM). This negatively influences several development sectors including health, education and economy, and hugely affects the environment. Renew’N’Able Malawi in 2017, trained 58 non Energy CSO as Green and Inclusive Energy (GIE) Advocates
The trainings empowered the advocates to promote GIE within their communities, create more awareness on solutions at hand, and get involved in pro-poor energy advocacy at District and national level. Furthermore, the participants were equipped with definitions and knowledge on types of energy, energy poverty and its impact on Malawi, solutions for off-grid households and communities in Malawi, existing initiatives as well as advocacy and planning skills.
In an effort in increase awareness on green and inclusive energy, Mario Elias one of the GIE Advocates, organised awareness on green and inclusive energy in T/A Likoswe covering 7 Group Village heads namely; Mataka, masikini, lupanga, manguwo, mtupanyama, Kajawo, Sumani 1 and 2.
The meeting attracted 179 men, women, girls and boys who are leaders of different structures as well as community members working in health gender and youth empowerment.
The awareness aimed at wooing community support in green and inclusive energy advocacy due to increased levels of energy poverty Malawi is experiencing. The awareness through Kenneth Mtago highlighted a number of energy poverty community are facing and he also highlighted some solutions towards eradicating energy poverty.
In community members’ reaction to the presentation, members highlighted their efforts aimed at increasing community participation in re-afforestation which is facing challenges in seedlings provision. The community also acknowledged the challenges they are facing but asked RENAMA to consider conducting such awareness as it will act as a basis for changing the mind-set.
One of the participants, Innocent Gadama pointed out that as youths, they are eager to be part and parcel of MPHAMVU-NOW but he further said that not all community members have access to internet but he quickly said that, the best way is for GIE to engage more with VSL, groups for easy access to products that will protect their income.
Lamenting on the issue, was Dyna Jailosi who says, as women they are geared to access the products but they want the best way for them to be part and parcel of women who embrace change as they are affected much.
The awareness, was an eye opener to some leaders who acknowledged impact of energy poverty in their communities. It was urged to increase such awareness to protect the environment as well as to promote use of renewable energy technology