Dec 2016
2016 was an extraordinary year for renewable energy. Renewables are now cost competitive with fossil fuels in many markets and are established around the world as mainstream sources of energy. Cities, communities and companies are leading the rapidly expanding “100% renewable” movement.
Titelseite_2016_4f (1)-page-001 GSR Full Report Download (PDF – 22 MB) GSR_english Key Findings EN | FR | ES | CN | RU | PT | Farsi | JP (PDF – 5 MB) 2015 was an extraordinary year for renewable energy. Renewables are now cost competitive with fossil fuels in many markets and are established around the world as mainstream sources of energy. Cities, communities and companies are leading the rapidly expanding “100% renewable” movement.
Read more at: http://www.ren21.net/status-of-renewables/global-status-report/