Jan 2016
On 12 December 2015, the Parties to the UNFCCC adopted the "Paris Agreement". With this step, the world community has agreed on a collective and cooperative path to fight human-induced climate change: After 25 years of UN climate diplomacy, the world's governments have for the first time in history negotiated a treaty which envisages climate action by all nations. The Agreement sets the world on a path that might lead to a decarbonised economy in the second half of the century.
Researchers from the Wuppertal Institute, Germany, have observed COP 21 (as well as all other conferences) and elaborated a detailed analysis of the results (see downloads).
The assessment
- provides an overview of the most important negotiation outcomes,
- assesses their results as well as shortfalls and
- provides an outlook of the next steps needed to implement the Paris Agreement's goals and to set the world firmly on a non-fossil based development path.
Source: http://wupperinst.org/en/info/details/wi/a/s/ad/3362, 27.01.2016